Materi MY CLASS ACTIVITIES untuk kelas 2 Lesson 2
Classroom Commands Expression
Stand up = berdiri
2. Sit down = duduk
3. Close your book = tutup bukumu
4. Open your book = buka bukumu
5. Open the door = buka pintu
6. Close the door = tutup pintu
7. Open the window = buka jendela
8. Close the window = tutup jendela
9. Look at the page of ..... = silahkan buka halaman ....
10. Turn around = berputar
11. Hands up = tangan diatas
12. Hands down = tangan turun
13. Listen to me please = tolong dengarkan saya
14. Pay attention please = tolong perhatikan
15. Please do repeat = tolong diulangi
16. Wash your hands = silahkan cuci tangan
17. Throw the can to the dustbin = silahkan buang ke tempat sampah
18. Lets study together = mari belajar bersama
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